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Decoded: What is the digital Vidhan Sabha and its key features?

The government developed a digital platform called the National e-Vidhan Application (NeVA) to digitise the legislative bodies of all Indian states and the Parliament through a single platform

New Delhi: As we all know that trees are important for making paper but we just cannot cut all the trees to fulfill excess demand. They supply oxygen and we need it for our life.

However, if we start using digital technology, we do not need to cut down trees for making paper. We can save the data in a digital mode. In a similar manner, the largest state of India in terms of population, Uttar Pradesh opted for the novel e-Vidhan System for paperless proceedings.

Before doing so, the state government orgainsed a training programme to familiarise the representatives with the digital Vidhan Sabha technology.

Notably, Bihar is the first state in India to begin digitally equipping the state legislative council with e-Vidhan. Besides, the e-Vidhan system is available in Kerala, Himachal Pradesh and Nagaland.

How does digital Vidhan Sabha work?

The government developed a digital platform called National e-Vidhan Application (NeVA) to digitise the legislative bodies of all Indian states and the Parliament through a single platform. The service is available on a website and a mobile app.

The system allows the excess of house proceedings, starred/unstarred questions and answers, committee reports and more. The government also aimed for allowing the excess of the data and work for the use of both citizens and the members of Assemblies.

It also represents Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s idea of ‘One National One Legislative Platform’.

Notably, Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla already reiterated that the country will have the proceedings available of all legislatures on one platform by 2023.

Key Features of digital Vidhan Sabha

– Data available on NeVA can be accessed anywhere at any time.

– It makes easy for anyone to track decisions, documents, and information.

– The implementation of e-Vidhan in the Sate Legislature (s) will be overseen by a Secretary level officer.