New Delhi: In a shocking incident, on Tuesday morning, the Delhi’s Amrita School in Pushp Vihar in Saket received a bomb threat via e-mail. Soon after the threat email was recieved, Delhi police and other teams reached the spot.
According to the reports, the threat email was recieved by the Amrita School, Saket at 6.33 am.
Pushp Vihar’s Amrita School gets bomb threat via e-mail; Delhi police and other teams are present at the spot. Investigation underway: Delhi police
— ANI (@ANI) May 16, 2023
The school was soon vacated after an e-mail containing a bomb threat was received.
#BreakingNews | Another #Delhi school gets bomb threat; In the fresh incident, the South Delhi school in Pushp Vihar received a bomb threat via email, following which police were informed and the school evacuated@_anshuls shares more details@toyasingh
— News18 (@CNNnews18) May 16, 2023
Currently the investigation is underway.
DCP South Chandan Chowdhary said that the checking was done in the school by the Bomb Disposal Team (BDT) but nothing was found.
This is not the first time that such incident have taken place in the national capital. Earlier, a similar threat was recieved by the Indian School in Delhi’s Sadiq Nagar and Delhi Public School on Mathura Road on April 12 and April 26 respectively.
However, both the threats were later found to be a hoax.