Mumbai:Globally renowned Ghazal maestro and Padma Shri recipient Pankaj Udhas passed away on Monday at the age of 72.Taking to Instagram, Pankaj Udhas’ daughter Nayaab shared a statement on Instagram which read, “With a very heavy heart, we are saddened to inform you of the sad demise of Padmashri Pankaj Udhas on 26th February 2024 due to a prolonged illness.”
The legendary singer passed away after a prolonged illness.Soon after Nayaab shared the news of the singer’s demise, his fans swamped the comment section and posted their condolences.A fan wrote, “May his soul rest in peace.””I’m so sorry to hear of your loss, stay strong and please accept my condolences,” another user wrote.”Deepest Condolences and Prayers,” another user posted.
Among the evergreen ghazals that Pankaj Udhas lent his vocals to were ‘Chitthi Aayi Hai’, ‘Chandani Raat Mein’, ‘Na Kajre Ki Dhaar’, ‘Aur Ahista Kijiye Baatein’, ‘Ek Taraf Uska Ghar’ and ‘Thodi Thodi Piya Karo’.The singer’s demise left the music industry in shock and in grief.