New Delhi: According to a report the tech giant ‘Google’ has cancelled a talk by “anti Brahmin actvist” scheduled in April. The speech was delivered by Thenmozhi Soundararajan, an actyivist working for Equity Labs, a civil right organiztion working for US. Dalit civil organization has accused tech giant of “caste bigotry and harassment to run rampant in the company”.
According to the victim he was not allowed to go ahead with scheduled talk to Google News employees in the month of Dalit History month.
According to a news on 2 June , company employees started spreading ‘false information’ including she was Hindu Phobic and anti Hindu.
Thenomzi was invited by senior manager and the whole purpose was to raise awareness aamong people.
However Google didnot plan to proceed with her story. This news came justt day after senior manager ‘Tanuja Gupta’ resigned from the organisation.Tanuja Gupta resoponded to this issue by expressing that her aim was just to invite anti Brahnins activists to influence testimony of two co- workers.
Google take on this
Google spokesperson Shannon Newberry responded on the issue that caste “caste discrimiantion has no place in our workplace”.
We have claerly decided not to move forward with the story creating discrimiantion, rather than bringing our community together.