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Hindu doctor recites Islamic prayers for dying Muslim Covid-19 patient

Hindu doctor recited Muslim prayers

New Delhi: Amid the coronavirus pandemic, a female Hindu doctor’s gesture of goodwill is winning praise and plaudits from all quarters.

Doctor Rekha Krishnan, who works at a private hospital in Palakkad, recited Islamic prayers to a Muslim patient who was on his deathbed due to Covid-19-related complications.

The patient, who was suffering from Covid pneumonia, was on ventilator for more than two weeks and her relatives were not allowed in the ICU.

However, when her condition deteriorated, doctors felt that they couldn’t do much to save her. She was put off the ventilator and her relatives were informed about development.

“With none of their relatives around her, I thought I should do something for the patient. Since I was brought up in the UAE, I knew about these prayers and practices. I gently recited this prayer and closed her eyes. As I concluded, the patient took a deep breath and then the line flattened,” she shared.

The matter came to light when Dr Krishnan narrated the experience to a fellow doctor — who later posted about it on social media. Soon, that doctor’s social media post went viral, and words of appreciation started flowing in for her humane act.

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