New Delhi: The flight delay issue escalated on Sunday when a passenger on an Indigo flight lost his cool and physically attacked the pilot who was announcing the delay of the flight. This triggered the passenger and he barged towards the pilot and started assaulting him. The passenger was also heard saying, chalana hai to chala warna mat chala. Many flights were delayed on Sunday due to the extreme fog and the passengers were made to wait f0r hours to reach their destinations. Many passengers shared their ordeal on social media about the misconduct and ruthless behaviour of the airline staff.
A passenger punched an Indigo capt in the aircraft as he was making delay announcement. The guy ran up from the last row and punched the new Capt who replaced the previous crew who crossed FDTL. Unbelievable ! @DGCAIndia @MoCA_GoI
— Capt_Ck (@Capt_Ck) January 14, 2024
Netizens condemn the behavior
The ruthless behavior of the passenger is criticized by many on Social Media. Many users ask if the delay in flight gives the passenger the right to harm a crew member physically.. take a look
A passenger punched an #Indigo capt in the aircraft as he was making delay announcement. The guy ran up from the last row and punched the new Capt who replaced the previous crew.
Does Frustration give a passenger the right to physically assault a Crew member ?
— Mister J. – مسٹر جے (@Angryman_J) January 15, 2024
This person should be arrested.
We as a society are losing compassion and empathy.#Indigo
— Vidit Sharma 🇮🇳 (@TheViditsharma) January 15, 2024
There are a LOT of things wrong with how Indigo is conducting their business currently but there is ZERO justification for physical assault on an employee by a passenger.
This man should be blacklisted for life & a probe must be conducted.
This is unacceptable behaviour from…
— Suraj Balakrishnan (@SurajBala) January 14, 2024
The Passenger taken into custody
After the whole ruckus, Indigo filed a complaint and Delhi Police took the passenger into custody. The passenger was also seen apologizing for his behaviour while taken into custody.
Indigo passenger who hit captain was picked up by airport security personells
Delhi police says that we have received a complain and are taking legal action. #Indigo #Airport #avgeeks #aviation #delhipolice #Fog
— Nikhil Lakhwani (@nikhil_lakhwani) January 15, 2024