New Delhi: Delhi Police held a press conference and updated about the investigation of the Kanjhawala death case. Meanwhile, Delhi’s Rohini court sent accused Manoj Mittal, Deepak Khanna, Amit Khanna, Krishan and Mithun to three-day police remand. The case got heated after the heinous crime and the police not taking strict action against the accused. Delhi government and supporters also protested outside LG’s office in Sultanpuri to ask for his resignation for not taking appropriate action.
In the press conference, stated that the investigation is in the initial stages and they have arrested the accused under the appropriate charges. Police added that they are taking assistance from the forensic department to solve the case.
Kanjhawala death case | A medical board is being constituted to further investigate and submit a report. Multiple teams formed to investigate this case. Delhi Police in touch with victim woman’s family: Dr Sagar P Hooda, Spl CP (L&O) Zone II
— ANI (@ANI) January 2, 2023
The agitated crowd reached the Sultanpuri police station to show their outrage against the police for not taking timely action. Later on, AAP workers gathered outside the residence of Delhi LG Vinai Saxena.
#WATCH | AAP workers gather outside the residence of Delhi LG Vinai Saxena regarding the death of a woman who died after she was dragged for a few kilometres by a car that hit her in Sultanpuri area on January 1.
— ANI (@ANI) January 2, 2023
#WATCH | Delhi: People gather to protest outside Sultanpuri Police station regarding the death of a woman who died after she was dragged for a few kms by a car that hit her in Sultanpuri area on January 1.
— ANI (@ANI) January 2, 2023
Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal tweeted and said that he discussed the matter with the LG and requested him to take ‘exemplary action’. He also assured of strict action against the culprits.
Spoke to Hon’ble LG on Kanjhawala incident. Requested him to take exemplary action against culprits, strictest sections of IPC shud be slapped against them. No leniency shud be showed even if they have high political connections.
He assured that he will take strong action
— Arvind Kejriwal (@ArvindKejriwal) January 2, 2023
The CCTV footage of the incident emerged, where the woman’s body can be seen dragged by a car. The mother of the deceased alleged that her daughter had been sexually assaulted by the five accused. The victim’s body was also found naked, however, police have denied the claims of sexual assault.