New Delhi: As per media reports, actor Jacqueline Fernandez gave a statement to Delhi’s Patiala House Court in the conman Sukesh Chandrashekhar case. She alleged Sukesh of ruining her career and life. The actor said that the con man played with her emotions and ‘made her life hell’.
In her statement, Fernandez said that she was introduced to Sukesh as the owner of Sun TV and he claimed late Tamil Nadu CM J Jayalalithaa was his aunt. She added that Chandrashekahra told her that he was a huge fan and asked her to do films in South India too. The actor said that Sukesh asked her to work together and went on to ‘ruin her career and livelihood’.
Jacqueline said that she got to know the reality of conman Sukesh only after his criminal background was revealed. She added that Pinky Irani was aware of his background, but she never told her the truth.
Meanwhile, Nora Fatehi, another name in the case, also issued a statement as a witness in the court. Bollywood dancer and actor Nora Fatehi said that Sukesh offered to finance her career if she becomes her girlfriend. She also told that she was gifted an iPhone and a Gucci bag for being a judge in a dance competition at an event hosted by Sukesh’s wife Leena Maria. She added about her cousin receiving a call from Irani to accept Sukesh’s offer.
Delhi police also told the sessions judge that Pinky Irani was the one who introduced Jacqueline Fernandez to Sukesh and was one of the suspects in the Rs 200 crore extortion case. The Economic Offences Wing (EOW) of Delhi police arrested Irani in November last year while Chandrashekhar is currently in jail.