New Delhi: Amid Manish Sisodia’s questioning by the CBI in a controversial liquor policy case, Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal shared an illustration depicting the latter in a ‘superhero’ avatar. The pic which was posted without any caption, shows Sisodia shielding a student while holding a shield having ‘Delhi education model’ written over it, while facing arrows termed as CBI and ED on himself.
— Arvind Kejriwal (@ArvindKejriwal) October 17, 2022
Just a day ago, Kejriwal had called his deputy ‘modern day Bhagat Singh’.
Meanwhile, AAP’s rival in the state, BJP was quick to slam Kejriwal and Sisodia with its own version of this illustration, portraying the duo shielding alcohol and cash from the central agencies.
BJP Delhi Vice President Sunil Yadav shared the illustration on Twitter with caption, “Liquor Minister in the guise of Education Minister”.
शराब मंत्री शिक्षा मंत्री की आड़ में
— Sunil Yadav (@SunilYadavBJP) October 17, 2022
Sisodia, who happens to be the primary accused in the alleged liquor policy case, has been summoned for questioning for the first time by CBI. In August, the agency had raided Sisodia’s residence after getting a nod from Delhi’s Lieutenant Governor.
Moreover, Kejriwal-led Aam Aadmi Party has now linked the liquor policy issue with the forthcoming assembly polls in Gujarat, claiming that Sisodia will soon be arrested.