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Miyawaki forest & Maze garden open in Gujarat: Statue of Unity set to witness more influx of tourists

The Maze Garden, situated in the Ekta Nagar, is a sprawling property spread over 3 acres and has been created in a very short span of time of just 8 months.

Maze Garden

New Delhi: The Statue of Unity, inaugurated 4 years ago, is fast emerging as a major tourist destination and with the inauguration of Miyawaki forest & Maze Garden by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday, the region got a fresh impetus for driving more travelers in the city.

Having witnessed footfall of more than 8 million tourists, the Statue of Unity has already emerged as major tourism landmark in the country and the new attractions like Miyawaki forest, Maze garden and houseboat will further enhance the beauty and appeal of Ekta Nagar.

Tourism experts opine that these are wonderful additions to the Statue of Unity and it goes on to show Prime Minister’s vision & grand plans on turning the region in a major tourism hub. Those who visited the Statue of Unity in 4 years belonged to all age groups including elderly & children.

What are Maze Gardens & Miyawaki Forests

The Maze Garden, situated in the Ekta Nagar, is a sprawling property spread over 3 acres and has been created in a very short span of time of just 8 months. The garden stands in the shape of ‘Yantra’ emanating positive energy. Dubbed as ‘Bhul Bhulaiya’, the garden boasts of a puzzling network of pathways.

The transformation of this region is also awe-inspiring for tourists as this was earlier a garbage dumping site. Now, a state-of-the art garden with verdant landscape has replaced the dumping spot. More than 1.8 saplings are planted here which include Orange Gemin, Madhu Kamini, Glory Bovar and Mehndi. The rejuvenation of the ‘dump land’ also presents a case study on how to turn any landfill into vibrant ecosystem where butterflies and honeybees are thriving now.

Miyawaki Forests is another enticing spot for tourists, visiting the Statue of Unity and Ekta Nagar. A dense Miyawaki forest has been erected here and named after technique founded by Japanese ecologist Dr Akira Miyawaki. The growth of plants is 10 times faster here than conventional methods and the forests are also 30 times dense. Usually, a forest takes shape in 20-30 years with aggressive plantation but under Miyawaki technique, an artificial forest can be erected in just 2-4 years.

These tourism attractions reflect the vision of Prime Minister, as they have been conceived & designed to present the power of Nature in our daily lives. The Maze Garden brings together many features of Indian culture and enforces the importance of Mother Earth & the Nature.