New Delhi: There is no dearth of viral videos on the internet. Every other day, we see any video going viral on different social media platforms. In the latest viral video, a mother and her daughter won the hearts of people online for their dance. The duo groove to a popular Pakistani song, sung by Ali Sethi and Shae Gill.
The video was shared on Instagram by an account namely niviandishanvi. In the video, both can be seen wearing a red lehenga and a white top.
Sharing the video, this user wrote, ”Our take on Pasoori. ❤ Something different from what we usually do. Loved this song, got many requests and were motivated to try this. ❤ Do let us know what you think. Link for the full video in bio. Pasoori dance cover by Nivi and Ishanvi Soul touching song by alisethiofficial.”
Watch the viral video:
Since being shared online, the video received over 18,000 likes and many comments. Notably, On the song, many artists and dancers also shared reels on social media.
”Beautiful, so in sync and so elegant. Absolutely love watching you guys,” read a comment.
”Rocked as always! Do try bengali songs for once,” wrote another user.
”This was great! Moves and expressions!,” wrote the third user.
”How graceful! Your li’l angel is th perfect reflection of your beauty, charm, artistry n personality. God bless,” wrote the fourth user.