New Delhi: In a strange incident, a young man has set a Mercedes car parked outside the house on fire. The entire incident was captured in the CCTV camera available near the building.
The owner of the Mercedes car have registered the complaint about the entire incident with the Noida police station, after which the police has started investigating the matter.
In the CCTV footage, a man can be seen arriving on his bike and then sprinkles petrol on the Mercedes and sets it on fire.
According to the investigation, the man has been been identified as a tile worker who had worked at the Mercedes car owner’s house but was upset since he was not paid the full amount.
नोएडा के सदरपुर इलाके में एक मिस्त्री ने घर के बाहर खड़ी मर्सिडीज कार में लगाई आग। कार मालिक ने नहीं दिए थे काम के पैसे तो लिया अजीबोगरीब बदला।
— Newsroom Post (@NewsroomPostCom) September 14, 2022
Even the car owner has identified him as the tile worker who had worked in his house.
It is said that due non-receipt of full money, the man took this step and escaped from the incident site.
The Mercedes car owner also said that the man is originally from Bihar and he lives in Greater Noida West under Bisrakh police station area of Noida.
Meanwhile, Police is looking for this young man who set the care on fire and it is being claimed that he will be arrested soon.