New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who was recently on visit to Himachal Pradesh, shared a video of Kullu’s beautiful scenery from his Facebook account on Wednesday. The video has caught the attention of netizens and is also eliciting many response from social media users.
The 21 second video was shot by Prime Minister Narendra Modi himself while he was going from Bilaspur to Kullu district of Himachal Pradesh. In the short video, Prime Minister shot the picturesque & beautiful landscape of Kullu town, while heading to participate in the Dussehra festivities.
While sharing the video on social media, PM Modi wrote, “Kullu’s beauty is eternal & breathtaking”.
The video drew huge traction and reactions from the netizens. PM Modi posted the video at about 3 PM on Wednesday and till Thursday morning, it had garnered more than 31 lakh views, over 2.5 lakh likes and evoked reactions from about 8,000 people.
Prime Minister’s social media accounts are among the most popular & most followed, which proves his appeal & popularity among the masses. As of now, his Facebook account has close to 47 million followers.
In Bilaspur, PM Modi inaugurated the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) built at a cost of Rs 1,415 crore. The 750 bed equipped with 17-speciality treatments will bring a monumental change in improving medical infrastructure in the region.
PM Modi often describes Himachal Pradesh as his second house. Before becoming Gujarat Chief Minister, he spent enough time in Himachal serving different organizational roles of the party.