New Delhi: Days after the two techies were mowed down by 17 year old teen in Pune, shocking details emerge from the Police investigation. Yesterday cops arrested the grandfather of the teen allegedly for threatening the driver to take the blame that he was behind the wheel when the accident happened. Police has also recorded the statement of the driver. The driver told the cops that he received a call from the father of accused around 2.45am that night, the father asked him to take the blame that he was driving the car at that time. His wife also emotionally requested him to take the blame.
#WATCH | Pune car accident case: Pune CP Amitesh Kumar says, “When the driver was first brought to the Police Station from the spot, the first statement which he gave in writing was that he was driving the car. But the Police Station at that point of time disbelieved the…
— ANI (@ANI) May 25, 2024
#WATCH | Maharashtra: Pune car accident accused’s grandfather arrested and taken to court.
— ANI (@ANI) May 25, 2024