New Delhi: The Pune Porshe Crash case is getting murkier day by day. The family members of the accused teen is leaving no stone unturned to save the accused 17 year old teen. Days after the father and the grand father of the accused were arrested for asking the driver to confess in front of the cops that he was behind the wheel during the day of the accident. The Police Commissioner of Pune gave a statement that the blood samples of the teen were sent to the forensic lab to check the presence of alcohol. But the blood samples were changed by the doctors of the hospital and instead handed over another samples to save the accused.
Two doctors from Sassoon Hospital, Pune,
Dr. Ajay Taware and Dr. Shrihari Haalnor, have been arrested for allegedly altering blood samples in the #Pune #Porsche crash case.Dr. Taware has vowed to reveal all those involved in this scandal.#PunePorscheAccident
— Indian Doctor🇮🇳 (@Indian__doctor) May 28, 2024
The peon of the hospital allegedly took a bribe of Rs 3 Lakh Rupees to change the blood sample. The crime branch officials also bought the father of the accused for questioning today. His father was earlier detained at the Yerwada Jail.
Two Doctors From BJMC & Sassoon Hospital, Pune
Dr. Ajay Taware and Dr. Shrihari Halnor, Have been Arrested For Allegedly Altering Blood Samples In the #Pune #Porsche Crash Case.Dr. Taware has vowed to reveal all Those Involved in this Scandal#MedTwitter #BJMC
— Abhishek Ranjan (@Abhishekrjn15au) May 28, 2024