New Delhi: Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, who was disqualified from the Lok Sabha, now gets a notice from the Lok Sabha Housing Committee to vacate the government-allotted bungalow. The former Congress MP was disqualified after getting convicted in a criminal defamation case by the Surat court and was sentenced to two years.
Congress MP Pramod Tiwari said that the notice shows BJP’s hatred towards Rahul Gandhi. He told that for a period of 30 days after the notice is served, one can continue to stay in the same house and even after the time period, one can continue to stay by paying rent at market rates. He added that Rahul Gandhi comes under the ‘Z’ plus security category.
This shows BJP’s hatred towards Rahul Gandhi. For a period of 30 days after the notice is served, one can rightfully continue to stay in the same house. After the 30-day time period, one can continue to stay in the same house by paying rent at market rates. Rahul Gandhi comes…
— ANI (@ANI) March 27, 2023
Meanwhile, Congress MPs wore black outfits to the Parliament today and party workers protested across India against the disqualification of Rahul Gandhi and over the Adani issue. Congress MPs are demanding a JPC to preside over the Adani issue and probe the alleged relationship between PM Modi and Gautam Adani.
The opposition parties are looking it at as an assault on Indian democracy and Congress has also decided to fight back.
राहुल गांधी जी ने कोलार शहर में जो भाषण दिया, उसका मामला सूरत में दर्ज़ किया गया।
आपने ऐसा इसलिए किया क्योंकि आपको अनुकूल सरकार चाहिए थी ताकि आप पुलिस-प्रशासन का इस्तेमाल कर राहुल जी को संसद में बोलने से रोक सकें।
: कांग्रेस अध्यक्ष व राज्यसभा में नेता प्रतिपक्ष श्री @kharge
— Congress (@INCIndia) March 27, 2023
Rahul Gandhi called ‘all Modis’ to be thieves in a statement where he was making his remarks on the connection between Neerav Modi, Lalit Modi and PM Narendra Modi. Surat court found him guilty of defamation and pronounced the maximum punishment of two years, due to which his membership from Lok Sabha was was quashed.