New Delhi: Congress MP Rahul Gandhi shared a preliminary reply with Delhi Police in response to the notice served on his statement during Bharat Jodo Yatra in Srinagar. However, as per Delhi Police, Gandhi has shared no information that can take the investigation forward. In his statement cited in the case, the Congress MP talked about meeting a sexual harassment survivour who was reluctant to call the police.
A preliminary reply has been received from (Congress MP) Rahul Gandhi but no information has been shared by him that can take the investigation forward: Delhi Police
Earlier today, a team of Delhi Police visited Rahul Gandhi’s residence to seek information about the ‘sexual…
— ANI (@ANI) March 19, 2023
As per ANI, Rahul Gandhi agreed to give a detailed answer in the next 8-10 days. In his response, he reportedly asked if any other leader from the ruling party who had carried out such a campaign like Bharat Jodo Yatra was ever asked similar questions. Reportedly, he also stated that he hoped that this police action had nothing to do with his speech in Parliament and his stand outside on various issues including the Adani row.
Earlier today, Delhi Police visited Rahul Gandhi’s residence to seek information about the ‘sexual harassment’ victims who approached him during Bharat Jodo Yatra.
#WATCH | We’ve come here to talk to him. Rahul Gandhi gave a statement in Srinagar on Jan 30 that during Yatra he met several women & they told him that they had been raped…We’re trying to get details from him so that justice can be given to victims: Special CP (L&O) SP Hooda
— ANI (@ANI) March 19, 2023
Congress questioned the police visit saying that it has been 45 days since the Yatra got over. Congress leader Pawan Khera alleged the ruling party for sending the police and also showed distrust in police after what happened in Hathras and Kathua.
While addressing a public meeting in Srinagar, Gandhi said that he met sexual assault survivours and he even asked a rape survivour, if he should call the police, to which she replied ‘no’ as she feared to be shamed. Delhi Police served him a notice, asking for the details of the survivours mentioned in his statement.