New Delhi: The West Bengal Assembly was marked by unruly & rowdy scenes on Monday as the ruling Trinamool Congress & BJP MLAs came to blows inside the House. In the video that landed on social media, the house appeared no less than a ‘boxing row’ as legislators engaged in physical brawl.
The scuffle between members of TMC & BJP took place while the House met for the last day of Budget Session. Following the physical altercation, 5 members have been suspended from the Assembly.
The flare up between the ruling & opposition benches happened over Birbhum violence, which saw brutal killing of over a half dozen people by inferno.
BJP MLA Manoj Tigga was allegedly roughed up during the incident while TMC MLA Asit Majumdar claimed that he sustained injuries.
BJP IT cell chief Amit Malviya shared a video of the pandemonium in Assembly. In the video, the MLAs could be seen pushing & shoving each other.
Absolute pandemonium in the West Bengal Assembly. After Bengal Governor, TMC MLAs now assault BJP MLAs, including Chief Whip Manoj Tigga, as they were demanding a discussion on the Rampurhat massacre on the floor of the house.
What is Mamata Banerjee trying to hide?
— Amit Malviya (@amitmalviya) March 28, 2022
Another video showed an MLA accusing other MLAs of pushing him and tearing down his shirt.
Among the 5 BJP MLAs who were suspended include Suvendu Adhikari, Manoj Tigga, Narahari Mahato, Shankar Ghosh, Dipak Barman
BJP MLAs in the Bengal Assembly claimed that they were demanding discussion on the Birbhum massacre which led to physical altercation. They claimed that they were humiliated & harmed by the high-handedness of TMC lawmakers.
Amit Malviya tweeted that it was TMC MLAs who “assaulted BJP MLAs, including Chief Whip Manoj Tigga”.
“Absolute pandemonium in the West Bengal Assembly. What is Mamata Banerjee trying to hide?,” Amit Malviya said.