New Delhi: In order to inculcate the holistic way of living in people during the isolated times of the coronavirus pandemic, leading tertiary care healthcare group, Ujala Cygnus Group of Hospitals, today announced from now onwards regular yoga virtual and real sessions would be held every morning across all its 15 units. The announcement was made to mark the celebrations of International Day of Yoga 2021. More than 2000 participants from all the centres of the group performed yoga ( Online & Offline) in the hour long session.
The trainer showed some basic yoga asanas including Tadasana, Trikonasana, Katichakrasana, Bhujangasana and Anulom Vilom Pranayama which will not only relaxes the body and mind by stretching the muscles but also helps in improving the eyesight. These yoga poses should be practiced daily under the guidance of certified yoga trainers for better results.
“It has been observed that the coronavirus pandemic and the need to stay indoors have disrupted our fitness regimes while increasing anxiety disorders and panic attacks. Ujala Cygnus Group of Hospitals’ ongoing online yoga sessions help people stay healthy, fit and calm in such unprecedented times. Stress management significantly improves the quality of a life. Both physical poses (yogasana) and breathing exercises (pranayama) play an essential role in maintaining overall health.
Asana imparts strength and flexibility and strengthens the muscles. Breathing exercises lengthen the duration of inhalation, exhalation and the retention of breath. However, incorrect practice can end up exacerbating the stress. So, it is vitally important that you practice stress management techniques under the right tutelage and guidance,” said Mr Probal Ghosal, Chairman, Board of Directors, Ujala Cygnus Group of Hospitals.
Besides the virtual yoga session, the Ujala Cygnus group of hospitals also organized an online yoga contest, where the participants need to click their selfie while performing yoga and upload the pictures by tagging the twitter handle of the hospital group and their five friends.
“As a healthcare provider, we have a reputation of providing highly affordable care without compromising on quality. Stress and anxiety are increasingly becoming a concern in today’s day and age. It can be an uphill battle to try and combat the effects of external factors on our mental health and well-being.
Therefore, it’s essential that we practice yoga regularly as the various breathing exercises stimulate a transformation in the body and mind, whereas, mantras are an effective way to release your emotions. Continuous practice of yoga in daily life will give you life-altering experiences,” said Dr Shuchin Bajaj, Founder & Director, Ujala Cygnus Group of Hospitals.
About Ujala Cygnus Group of Hospitals-
Ujala Cygnus Healthcare Services, an Amar Ujala Group Collaboration, operates NABH-accredited hospitals having 1200 beds and 1600+ local medical talents across Haryana, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand. It focuses on delivering Tertiary Healthcare to the underserved communities in small towns with its thrust on emergency medical facilities to increase the patient’s chances of survival during the golden hour.
To complement this effort further, they institutionalized centers for excellence in intensive care, neurology and cardiology. Their recent achievement – being recognized with prestigious Gold Certificate for Quality Culture under Ayushman Bharat PMJAY Scheme, making it the first hospital in Haryana and the second in the country. Under the scheme, they have treated 5,500 beneficiaries in less than two year’s time. The major healthcare services offered by Ujala Cygnus’s Hospitals are Trauma, Cardiology, High-end critical care, Neurosurgery, Joint Replacement & Advanced Laparoscopy.