New Delhi: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath reached out to help a research scholar being treated for blood cancer after he came across a fund-raising page run by the scholar’s father. Ashish Dixit, a researcher in the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Roorkee received economic assistance of Rs 10 lakh from Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath.
According to a press statement, after getting information on social media, the Chief Minister himself contacted Dixit’s family and offered to help. The students at IIT Roorkee had started the campaign on social media for helping Dixit.
Ashish Kumar Dixit (27) has been admitted to SGPGIMS Lucknow since June 30. His father Ashok had set up a fund-raising page on September 8. It reads, “The doctor has advised INTENSIVE CHEMOTHERAPY followed by Bone Marrow Transplantation. He is facing blood cancer meanwhile a new challenge has come that is Blood Clotting in Brain, and multiple times severe fungal infection obstructs treatment process and also increases the cost of treatment. Initially, cost of treatment was estimated Rs.1000000/-(Rs. 10 Lakh). Somehow, I managed that amount, which has been spent. But due to blood clotting in Brain and multiple times fungal infection treatment cost is increasing day by day. Now new estimate is about Rs.1200000/-(Rs 12 Lakh). And this cost may increase up to 50 Lakh for bone marrow transplant. Now I am unable to manage another 12 Lakh. While I am trying my best to cope up with the situation, but I would not be able to fund the entire treatment by myself”. (sic.)
His treatment is underway in PGI. Due to his father being in the government service and getting a scholarship, there was a problem in getting the government’s help, but Adityanath ordered help.