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US man sets world record by eating 17 Ghost Peppers in 1 minute

New Delhi: Gregory Foster, a man in the US, sets a new world record by eating 17 ghost or chili peppers in just one minute. He attempted the record in a public park in San Diego, California, USA. Due to the open park, many passers stopped to watch the record.

Foster also holds two other records –Most Carolina Reaper chilies eaten in one minute and the fastest time to eat three Carolina Reaper chilies.The first of which he broke back in 2017, the latter he broke in December 2021.

The video was shared by the GWR on Instagram four days ago. Since then, it received over 17,000 likes and many comments.

Watch the viral video:

According to information available on the GWR website, ”Gregory has always loved spicy food and even grows his own peppers at home. He has spent decades pushing his tolerance level for spicy foods, and he is now able to stomach the hottest peppers in the world.”

”As a chili lover, I’ve been trying to advance the awareness and the excitement surrounding the super-hot chillis out there. This attempt was solely a personal endeavour to achieve another Guinness World Record alongside my currently standing [ones]. I love chili eating and pushing myself,” told Gregory to GWR.

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