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FIDE World Chess Championship: Game 1 ends in draw as Nepo gives up advantage to enter endgame

Nepo unleashed his opening preparation and had an advantage, but an inaccuracy took him away from the victory.

nepo vs ding game 1

New Delhi: Game one in the FIDE World Championship 2023 between Ian Nepomniachtchi and Ding Liren ended in a draw. Nepo unleashed his opening preparation and had an advantage, but an inaccuracy took him away from the victory. Nepo with the white pieces went for Ruy Lopez, while Ding replied with Morphy’s Defense, and the game entered an equal minor pieces endgame.

Nepomniachtchi has an advantage but on move 31, he pushed the pawn to f4, which gave Ding a chance to push his pawn to h5. Ding again did not find the most accurate continuation and gave back the advantage, but the queen trade on move 38 made it a comfortable draw.

In the opening, Ding went with the idea of a Queen and rook battery on the d-file with a bishop placed at g4 to stop white’s rook to be placed at d1. Nepo placed his knight at f5 and found better squares for his pieces. White even shifted his king to h2 for safety.

After they exchanged a pair of rooks, Nepo formed his Queen-rook battery on d-file and Ding playing 25…c6 gave a healthy amount of advantage to Nepo, who went to exchange another pair of rooks. White had a great position as the Queen and the dark square bishop penetrated the ranks of the black side. It was then, Nepo exchanged the queens and went into a drawish endgame. The players agreed to a draw on move 49.

Nepomniachtchi showed why he is a strong contender to be the world champion, but he would not like to miss these small moments the next time.

Picture courtesy: Anna Shtourman/FIDE

Ding hardly spent any time on the playing table and was seen mostly in the player’s waiting/rest room while Nepo lay in his chair thinking. After the game, the Chinese grandmaster said that he couldn’t concentrate and his mind was full of memories and feelings.

World Champion Magnus Carlsen was missed as he decided not to defend his title. The series of 14 games will give a new world champion to the chess world. The next game will be played on March 10 where Ding Liren will have the white pieces.