New Delhi: The 23 year old Devdutt Padikkal had to go through a long Journey before making his test debut in the fifth test in Dharamshala. Devdutt Padikkal hails from Karnataka and played for domestic cricket. He made his debut in 2021 and also played for the India Under-19 team. He was called in as a replacement for cricketer K L rahul who was ruled out after an injury. Devdutt Padikkal had to struggle with a lot of health issues as well in 2022 when he also lost a lot of weight. He was being hospitalized before being fully recovered. He played well in Ranji Trophy and also got awarded for his consistency.
Padikkal’s early life and education
He was born in 7th July 200 in Edappal, Kerala. His family moved from Hyderabad to Bangalore when he started his training at the Karnataka Institute of Cricket. He represented Karnataka in Under-16 and Under-19. He was selected by Bellary Tuskers in 2017in the Karnataka Premiere League. He became the first player in the IPL history to score three fifties in the first four matches.
Finally, the day has come for Devdutt Padikkal. He is making his Test debut for India. 🇮🇳🧢✨
Many congratulations to Devdutt Padikkal, A moment to remember for him and his family. Go well boy. ❤️👏#DevduttPadikkal #INDvENG
— Saabir Zafar (@Saabir_Saabu01) March 7, 2024
Devdutt Padikkal makes his Test Debut.!
Many congratulations to Devdutt Padikkal on making his Test debut.! 🧢#DevduttPadikkal || @devdpd07 || #INDvsENG || #CricketTwitter
— Aneesh (@Aneesh_98) March 7, 2024