Bollywood actress Ananya Pandey, who has appeared in films like Student of the Year, Pati Patni Aur Woh, came to Lucknow on Tuesday.
The actress also visited Rumi Darwaza in Old Lucknow.
Fans also gathered to see her at Rumi Gate
Everyone was busy taking pictures and making videos of Ananya and Vijay from mobile phones.
Her film 'Liger' has been in the news for a long time, which is about to release in just two days
In this way, this long-running wait of the fans is going to end now.
The film has been making a lot of headlines since the release of its trailer
Audience has started booking the tickets of the film
Vijay Deverakonda is going to make debut from this film
Film is produced under the banner of Karan Johar's production house Dharma Productions and Puri Connects