Jennifer Lopez married Ben Affleck last month and she shared details from the dreamy wedding on her newsletter

She began the newsletter with these words: "This is heaven. Right Here. We're in it now," which happen to be Jennifer Lopez's favourite line from Live By Night, directed and written by Ben Affleck.

Vividly describing the wedding weekend, Jennifer Lopez wrote: "It had rained at sunset every day that week.

Everyone was worried about the heat, the aptly named 'love bugs,' the details, would the guests all arrive on time, etc.

Diva shared intimate pictures with her husband

For the wedding, Ben and JLo picked Marc Cohn's True Companion "as the perfect wedding love song in this very house more than twenty years ago."

About the reception, JLo wrote: "We find ourselves in that long-desired time of life

The day after wedding JLO summed up these words

Apart from their reception pictures, dinning pictures couple also shared dinning pictures

We wish them a happy married life