Breakfast cereals are unhealthy since they are made with refined grains, lack protein and fiber, and may have a lot of added sugar
Veggie chips are cooked to the point that they often lose their nutritive value
Whole wheat products contain harmful amounts of salt, molasses, and other preservatives
Iced teas are unhealthy since they include a lot of sugar and other flavorings
Yogurts with added flavors have sugar in large numbers making them a bad choice
Low-fat products can also be bad for your health as the fat in it are often replaced with sugar
Smoothies are also not a good option in healthy food
Protein bars and drinks are nothing more than artificially fabricated bricks with fillers
Packaged salad includes a tonne of preservatives, high quantities of sodium, and fat
Omega-6-rich and highly refined vegetable oils contribute to the body's enhanced inflammatory response