Lumpy Virus: Is Milk Safe To Consume?

Lumpy skin disease (LSD) primarily affects cattle. It's a virus that belonged to the family of Poxviridae, also known as the Neethling virus.

The disease results in a reduction in milk production, poor growth, infertility, abortion and death in some cases. 

 The bovine animal, affected by the virus, gets a fever one week after the virus enters the body. The fever may exceed 41 degrees Celsius. 

The characteristic of the disease is large superficial lymph nodes. 

Is it safe to drink milk from infected cattle?

According to Indian Veterinary Research Institute, one can drink milk after boiling or without boiling. 

Medical experts say the disease is primarily spread by mosquitoes, ticks and biting flies.

Is there a vaccine?

Yes, there are vaccines for the disease. Recently, India got its two indigenous vaccines, distributed across many states.