PM Modi's Mother Heeraben passed away at the age of 100 

Heeraben was described as a 'selfless Karamyogi' by PM Modi

Heeraben was born on 18th June 1923, in Vadnagar of Mehsana, Gujarat

She was married at a very young age to Damodardas Mulchand Modi, a tea seller

Heeraben was a mother to 5 sons and one daughter

She lived a life full of struggles after death of her husband

A woman so resilient , she worked as a domestic help to upbring her children

When Narendra Modi became PM in 2014, her first advice for him was to never accept bribe

Former PM of Pakistan, Nawaz Sharif sent Heeraben a saree as an official gift in 2014

At the fragile age of 98, she casted her vote in 2019 Lok Sabha elections

Despite being the mother of country's PM, Heeraben lived an ascetic life till the end

A symbol of simplicity, Heeraben never wore ornaments or expensive clothes and she hardly owned any property on her name

PM Modi paid last honours to his mother at Gandhinagar in Gujarat