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Man booked for riding bike with a woman on lap, cops say road not a stage for stunts

Taking note of the act, Bengaluru Police took action and replied in Social Media, Hey thrill-seekers, the road isn’t a stage for stunts! Keep it safe for everyone, including yourselves.

New Delhi: Bengaluru Police has booked man who was riding bike with a woman on his lap. The man was spotted near the Bengaluru International Airport. The open act by the man came to light on May 17th when the citizens tagged Bengaluru Police demanding stringent action. The man can be seen driving a bike not even wearing a helmet.

Taking note of the act, Bengaluru Police took action and replied in Social Media, Hey thrill-seekers, the road isn’t a stage for stunts! Keep it safe for everyone, including yourselves. Let’s ride responsibly. They further said Bengaluru is city to cherish, not to mess around. The clip was viewed by over 22000 views demanding strict action against the couple and lauding the Bengaluru Police. 

Some Users also demanded action against the girl who was sitting on his lap, Why the law only punishes the guy not the girl? She is equally responsible, wrote users.

These incident are common in almost every Metropolitan city. Its not limited to Bengaluru, many incidents like this are reported from Delhi also where many drivers in the road can be seen openly flouting norms and breaking the signal.