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Astrology 2022: Message of the Day (September 14)


Message of the day

Message of the Day – By Renooji


My meditation

Inner awakening!

It is in the process of being initiated that the old self, the old karma, the old knowledge and the old relationships are left behind or realigned to live life in a new relationship of great respect to the light.

The rivers of new processes and creative conceptions moved by our new karma draw in the adventure of joy in this human body on Earth.

During the development of our new seed karma in this light of compassion and illumination a beautiful white and pink light surrounds us , invites us to share and allows us to rest in the inherited seed karma to flower our soul self consciousness and spiritualise our identity.

A pure sky , filled with the white and pink light further encourages us to move ahead and experience great bliss to achieve and increase our associations with the light galaxies here and there.

Our mind is free of thought and is filled with the light, where there is courage and contentment with the divine self, and a permanent light which flows into our consciousness of healing grace to keep us safe and stable. Healing hugs of a safe and stable immaculate sky.

Love from the luminous radiance of the same sky, our mind.

For more Messages of the Day, visit

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