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Astrology 2023: Message of the Day (April 13)

All the Divine Souls bringing you home with the light, and your heart is filled with more gratitude. Singing the song of gratitude, you are back in your home, healing and healed


Message of the Day – By Renooji


Meditation.- Connecting Corridors of Light.

Begin this morning by giving yourself an amazing , enjoyable and invigorating stretch. Go ahead and stretch your arms high into the air and your feet into the ground. Now, please allow your body to settle down and relax. If your arms and or your legs are crossed, please uncross them. Take in a nice deep breath of healing energies and know that you are surrounded by a sunshine like energy. Exhale out all the tiredness and emotions on the next out breath. Shift your awareness away from the world around you and go deep inside your heart with the next in breath. Move into your inner world of sensations and spiritual imagination. We are going out into the corridors of light for an adventure that will refresh you and your imagination. These corridors of light are quite special and filled with comforting light. You are in your private hideaway. Gorgeous and brilliant is the presence of the light and the sky is resplendently bright. Filling you and your heart with new desires and ideas. Clouds of all shapes and forms and colours are drifting around you. As the clouds come and go, your worries evaporate, your mind clears and from the depth of your heart you can see clearly all that is healed in this moment. The corridors are brimming with light, the fragrance inviting more of the healing light and your heart filled with love for one and all. All the Divine Souls bringing you home with the light, and your heart is filled with more gratitude. Singing the song of gratitude, you are back in your home, healing and healed. Healing hugs of grace. Love from the shades of light in the corridors.

The Kundalini Connections Chakras.
The Sole Chakras of all Divine Souls.
Engage with these chakras to benefit your heart desires and heart consciousness. See love and the golden light everywhere.

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