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Astrology 2023: Message of the Day (June 12)



Our connection to the spiritual and universal worlds is permanent and our sojourn in the material realm impermanent. When we can truly understand this and travel through time and space, with equanimity and strength, is when we are healing with every pore and cell of our body. This body is the instrument that we have to leave behind here. It is the only way we can remain in the light of this and other worlds. Repeating on an affirmation in the consciousness here and there is what keeps us moving through the process of generating the positive. Resonating with the sound that imprints our soul, we are able to effectively be more calm and centred. Taking our time to witness the light spreading around us, we can begin to resonate with the world and the people, seeing the light surrounding them also. Witness your emotions and see them transforming into love and light and spreading on Mother Earth. Feel yourself rooted in this moment to the Earth and know that an exchange of light is taking place. Tune into the grounding support of gravity that holds us firmly to Mother Earth. From the centre of the Earth a grounding invisible cord of light moves through our body , from the root to the crown chakra. All the way up through our spine and out into the sky above our crown chakra. Affirm…“I am calm and centred in this light of true love and generosity.”
Healing hugs of continuity of healing. Love from the ocean of the deepest connection to the spiritual world.

Sensitive to the vibrations of places, people and beings, connect to the self and your affinity to all parts of the globe . Thanking each molecule for the enormous help, especially the souls unseen. Stay in the cosmic vibrations of AUM.

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