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Astrology 2023: Message of the Day (March 14)

Message of the Day – By Renooji 14.03.2023 Horror and Happenstance! We are all looking for perfection and yet we are dissatisfied with our own efforts to develop continuity in our healing practice.  People sometimes are quick to be satisfied by their achievements and affirm that they have reached their point of understanding of their …


Message of the Day – By Renooji


Horror and Happenstance!

We are all looking for perfection and yet we are dissatisfied with our own efforts to develop continuity in our healing practice.  People sometimes are quick to be satisfied by their achievements and affirm that they have reached their point of understanding of their pursuits. The horror of it all is that life can be very long or on the other spectrum point very short. It is therefore not a coincidence that we become healers and again it is our free will and choice that we do the healing, share the light or just continue to create our own personal destiny in helplessness. We have to move fortuitously with pride in our heart for the healing connection. Sincerely dedicated to doing the Divine work, and helping others, we must understand and continue to be very vigilant of what is going on in our internal mind . As our thoughts drive us to heal, to listen and to do the healing. Connect to the inner self, behave well with the self and stay strong and positive to be healed. Healing hugs of a higher consciousness. Love from the new level of spiritual upliftment.

Reading this-
It heals my Thymus chakra.

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