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Daily Horoscope: Your zodiac and forecast (August 26)

Astro, Astrology,Horoscope, Daily Aura, Message, sunsign

Aura Guidance for 26.08.2023 (all 12 signs)

1. Aries

“People will do favours for you. Powerful influences are at work within the organisation, but, you are quite adept at getting your work done. Business activities and investments will need a relook. Change your friends for a more relaxed environment.”

2. Taurus

“All you have to do is spend less. You are better off today to keep the work going and leave the rest to the end of the day, as there will be much to accomplish. Take things to heart and you will slowly put yourself in a bind. Keep yourself occupied with doing the things you need to do for others, and then you will receive something that you least expect.”

3. Gemini

“You have to change your mind and work ethics to help complete the work in record time. There will be immense financial revenue generation. Your complete success and your vigorous action in the order of the day is commendable. Lead the way so that people can keep pace with your hectic and energetic work ethics.”

4. Cancer

“An increase in social and public interaction brings you joy and a camaraderie among your peers that puts you in a new league. There is a synonymous life plan of distraction that is flowing forth with your siblings and eventually all ends well.”

5. Leo

“You are very vigilant in your actions and you need to keep it that way for further actualisation of your goals today. Be watchful and take your responsibility to make sure your work and finances don’t suffer. Look for new ways to boost your income as a great new source developing is seen in your aura.”

6. Virgo

“There will be a strong connection with the light of grace and wisdom, and financial upliftment today. Rejuvenating your life experiences with compassion will allow you to be favourable to your heart desires. Just be patient, you will soon have more money than you can spend. Be active and know that you are intelligent. “

7. Libra

“You will see that you will have to give up some of your desires in order to progress towards actualising your dream. Concrete results of your plans will be also implemented by your own experiences and decisions. Closely analyse what your plans and actions are throwing up for you in life.”

8. Scorpio

“Shut the doors to the outside world and stay calm for a while before you tackle all issues maturely. Emotional outbursts and impatience are also likely. Acting on your own always proves to be the right way forward. The bluish green light in your aura brings relief in your emotional state and invites respect from the outside world.”

9. Sagittarius

“Productivity at work is off the mark which is also making your life stressful today. You are feeling sober and realistic in your mind that your heart desires should be slowly unravelling in the days ahead. You can argue a good case but when it comes to putting your foot down on abuse, you have a soft voice.”

10. Capricorn

“You feel exceedingly uncomfortable with the people who are willing to help you create a situation that could go against you. Agreements, joining together with others will work out as an advantage for you today. Move ahead without stress and know that you are slowly getting better with your relationships.”

11. Aquarius

“Work is exciting but your personal relationships and financial decisions are irksome and pulling you down today. You are inspired creatively and spiritually but your emotional self is looking forlorn. Continue to work for the welfare of the family and know that you are completely devoted to dreaming, wishing and fantasising about a stress-free life for all.”

12. Pisces

“There will be a new frontier in the learning curve that will be inspirational. Just as you move ahead, you will have become more calm and relaxed to take life head-on. New interests and experiences keep you strong in some places and distracted in the work environment.”


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