New Delhi: The National Testing Agency (NTA) on Tuesday released the UGC NET 2020 admit card for exams slated to be held on October 9 and 17.
The admit card for these exam dates were released on the official website – Earlier, the UGC NET admit card was released by the authorities for which exams were held in September. The NTA will also release the
UGC NET 2020 June session admit card in sometime.
How can you download UGC NET 2020 admit card?
Here are the steps on how you can download the UGC NET amid card from the website:
• Log on the official website —
• Look for the option that reads Admit card on Homepage
• Candidates will be directed to the admit card portal where they will have to enter application number and DOB.
• Enter the security pin given in the box and press ‘Submit’ button.
• Once entered with valid credentials, UGC NET 2020 admit card will be displayed on the screen
• Download the admit card and take print of the same for future use.
The National Testing Agency has been conducting the UGC NET exam from September 24 onwards. The last exam of UGC NET 2020 June session is scheduled on November 5, 2020.
Under the UGC National Eligibility Test (NET), the National Testing Agency conducts exams for recruitment of Assistant Professors and JRFs in the colleges and universities across the country. The exam will happen in online mode in different sessions.
Exams will be conducted in two sessions – Morning and Afternoon. The first session will commence from 9 am and will go on till 12 pm while the second session will be from 3 pm to 6 pm.