New Delhi: In a bizarre incident, a 15-year-old boy, influenced by the lead character of a movie, got sick after smoking so many cigarettes. The incident was reported to happen in Hyderabad. The boy also had to be admitted to a hospital for treatment.
मेरे पास 15 साल के लड़के को उसके माता-पिता लाए। लड़के को सांस लेने में कठिनाई और गले में दर्द की शिकायत थी। लड़के ने बताया कि उसने KGF मूवी के ‘रॉकी भाई’ से प्रेरित होकर यह सब किया और 2 दिन में 1 डिब्बी सिगरेट पी थी: पल्मोनोलॉजिस्ट डॉ रोहित रेड्डी, सेंचुरी हॉस्पिटल, हैदराबाद
— ANI_HindiNews (@AHindinews) May 28, 2022
KGF: Chapter 2 character influenced by boy
They reportedly watched KGF: Chapter 2 the three-time. The story of the film is based on the character, Rocky, who established himself as the kingpin of the Kolar Gold Fields. The boy got influenced by Rocky and his style in the movie and smoke an entire packet of cigarettes in a very short time. That caused him a severe cough and throat ache.
Doctors stress filmmakers shouldn’t glamourize cigarettes and tabacoo
The doctors of the hospital said they successfully treated the teenager and also give counselling him. Talking to the media, Dr Rohith Reddy Pathuri, Pulmonologist said the filmmakers and actors should avoid things such as chewing tobacco or smoking cigarettes.
”Movies creates a lot of impact in our society. Filmmakers and actors should consider it their moral responsibility to not glamorize acts like smoking cigarettes or chewing tobacco or consuming alcohol. Characters like ‘Rocky Bhai’ can influence young minds very easily in a negative manner,” said the doctor.
The doctor advised all parents to keep track of the activities of their children and also keep a strong watch on what kind of content is inspiring them.
”It is important as parents play a role in creating awareness about the ill-effect of acts like smoking tobacco and consuming alcohol,” said Dr Rohith Reddy.