New Delhi: The much-awaited film Project K has good news for its fans. The movie is going to make its debut at the renowned San Diego Comic-Con later this July. The film has an ensemble cast including Amitabh Bachchan, Deepika Padukone, Kamal Hassan, Prabhas, and Disha Patani. The news was shared by the production company Vijayanthi Movies through the tweet, replying to the tweet Amitabh Bachchan express his excitement and happiness on the debut of the film in San Diego.
T 4698 – I am honoured and have had the great privilege of being a part of this great enterprise in Telugu Cinema , ‘Project K’ and to have had the huge honour of being in the same frame of the Idol , Prabhas ..
Thank you all .. and thank you Nagi Sir, for thinking of me ..…
— Amitabh Bachchan (@SrBachchan) July 7, 2023
Reacting to the post-Amitabh Bachchan wrote- A proud moment for me. I never realized how important and Big this is and I express my wishes to Vyjayanthi Movies. He expressed his gratitude towards Nag Sir and the entire unit for showing such affection towards him and making him a part of this incredible experience. Big B also gives his best wishes for the upcoming project and congratulates the team for the achievement.
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San Diego @Comic_Con, here we come.#ProjectK #Prabhas @SrBachchan @ikamalhaasan @deepikapadukone @nagashwin7 @Music_Santhosh @AshwiniDuttCh @VyjayanthiFilms
— Vyjayanthi Movies (@VyjayanthiFilms) July 6, 2023
Kicking off the celebration of the debut of the movie in SDCC, Vyjayanthi Movies is going to offer its fans to see some glimpses of the film on the opening night of July 19. On July 20 the team will host a panel titled” The Project K: Glimpses of India’s Mytho-scientific Movie along with Prabhas, Deepika Padukone, and Kamal Hassan during which the teaser, trailer, and release date of the film will be unveiled.
Sharing his excitement Director Ashwin said They are thrilled to present Project K’s debut at San Diego Comic-Con. India’s storytelling style has ancient roots along with the epic serving origins for many civilizations worldwide. A big platform was needed to showcase such a project to the world.