New Delhi: These days social media have become a place where popular celebrities get into banter and Nitezens enjoy it. Anil Kapoor and Anurag Kashyap recently got into a Twitter banter where both of them threw bags full of words toward each other. It’s very rare when Anil Kapoor slams someone on social media, but this time around, he is leaving no stone unturned
It all started when Kapoor took to Twitter to shower praises on International award-winning series ‘Delhi Crime’.
Anil Kapoor tweeted, “I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again because they absolutely deserve it! Congratulations to the #DelhiCrime team! Nice to finally see more of our people get international recognition. @ShefaliShah_ #WelcomeToHollywood,”
Anurag replied to the tweet by writing, “Nice to see some deserving people get international recognition. Waise, aapka Oscar kidhar hain? No? Achha… nomination?”
Here’s the full thread for you:
Bombay velvet Box Office Returns = 43 Crores
Race 3 Box Office Returns = 300 Crores— Anil Kapoor (@AnilKapoor) December 6, 2020