New Delhi: As announced by Sun Pictures, the trailer of ‘Beast’ has been launched on Saturday evening. However, the launch of ‘Beast’ trailer witnessed a lot of reactions by Thalapathy Vijay’s fan on social media platforms. On March 28, netizens critised the Sun Pictures for delaying the launch of teaser under the hashtag ”We Want Best Teaser”. Two days after the trend, Sun Pictures announced the release date of ‘Beast’ trailer on March 30.
As expected the trailer is packed with full of action and thriller. However, we are not going to reveal much about the trailer. You should watch the trailer by yourself.
Watch trailer here:
After the launch of the trailer, many fans took to Twitter to share their reaction. Therefore, the hashtag, Beast Trailer, started trending at top on Twitter.
A fan on wrote, ”Just now watched Beast Trailer. It promises an impetuous action-thriller, with adequate elegance and swagger, Thalapathy Vijay head towards a final showdown.”
Just now watched #BeastTrailer
It promises an impetuous action-thriller, with adequate elegance and swagger, #ThalapathyVIJAY head towards a final showdown.#Beast #BeastModeON
— Mahadev Das (@madoptionseller) April 2, 2022
”This is not an movie Fdfs it’s just a movie trailer,” wrote a fan namely Kushi.
This is not an movie Fdfs it’s just a movie trailer ? #Beast #BeastTrailer— Kushiᴮᵉᵃˢᵗ ᵒⁿ ᴬᵖʳᶦˡ ¹³ᵗʰ (@kushi_5) April 2, 2022
”Beacuase I am not a politician…I’am a soldier” Launch! Easily one of the most stylish & repeat worthy trailer cuts for a Thalapathy Vijay film. All guns blazing.. This freaking,” Kaushik L M.
“Because I’m not a politician.. I’m a soldier”
Easily one of the most stylish & repeat worthy trailer cuts for a #ThalapathyVijay film.
All guns blazing.. this freaking #Beast! #BeastTrailer ?? @Nelsondilpkumar @Nirmalcuts
— Kaushik LM (@LMKMovieManiac) April 2, 2022
#Beast action packed trailer ensures a blockbuster already ? @actorvijay ’s swag is everything! Excited to watch Vijay’s 1st movie in Hindi. Phenomenon #BeastTrailer #BeastModeON
— Shweta SK (@Shweta7770) April 2, 2022
#BeastTrailer is one of the best trailer of recent times, will watch FDFS in Hindi for @actorvijay ? #Beast #BeastModeON
— Devil V!SHAL (@VishalRC007) April 2, 2022
This scene made me laugh! Nobody speaks about it…Yogi Babu‘s reason for his success is not only his dialouge‘s alone..his facial expressions is enough to make the audience going mad?? UNDERRATED! @iYogiBabu #BEAST #BeastTrailer
— Sujan Thevakumar (@SujanThvkmr) April 2, 2022
‘Beast’ coming on April 13
‘Beast’, is coming on April 13 in theatres in five languages — Tamil, Hindi, Telugu, Kannada, and Malayalam.. In the movie, Thalapathy Vijay will be seen against Pooja Hegde in the lead role. The film also stars Shine Tom Chacko, Selvaragha, Satish, Redin Kingsley, Lilliput, Yogi Babu, and others. It has been directed by Nelson Dilipkumar.
Notably, the film is coming a day ahead of the scheduled release of ‘KGF: Chapter 2’.