New Delhi: Vidya Balan who grabbed the attention of audiences with her powerful performance as a detective in her recently released spy- thriller ‘Neeyat’ is also in the limelight due to her look in the movie. Fans are loving her fringe-edgy avatar in the movie meanwhile talking about her, celebrity stylist Aastha Sharma told, Anu ( AnuMenon, director of the film) was very clear that Vidya should look very different from the rest of the cast like a sore thumb. Since the character of Vidya was a CBI official, they wanted to make her costume utilitarian therefore the costume contains multiple pockets, gloves, and hood etc.
They went for multiple layering also, as the weather was cold and it was ascertained in the film that the character is not much fond of the cold. Other than costume, Vidya’s hairstyle grabbed many eyeballs. Adding fringe to her hairdo worked very well for her look, as she has never done it before. The team has done various look tests before the final outcome and all of them agreed with the fringe one as it adds something to her character in the film. Sharing her experience of working with Vidya Aastha told, she is a wonderful person and the most cheerful person around.
Neeyat features Ram Kapoor as a wealthy Businessman whose mysterious death is inquest by Vidya. Styling the other cast of the film Aastha said, for Ram Kaapoor we choose thick rich velvet fabric and brocade as his character was of a flamboyant businessman. They even expiremented his styling by adding layering in the cloths by giving him shirts and sweaters under his trench coat. He should look sharp and best all the time as per his character ,s o they did tried to give him a sharp look. While talking about Rahul Bose look, it is also being appreciated by the viewers . For him, they use silhouettes and fits and used subdued colours mixed with bright elements in his clothing style saidAastha. Neeyat was released in theatres on July 7 and doing a decent box office collection.