New Delhi: P Vasu’s popular horror comedy Chandramukhi is back with its second installment. The makers have now unveiled the first look of Kangana Ranaut as Chandramukhi on Saturday. Earlier to this makers have released two more posters, the first one is unveiling the movie, and the second comprises the look of Raghava Lawerence as Raja.
The beauty ✨ & the pose 😌 that effortlessly steals our attention! 🤩 Presenting the enviable, commanding & gorgeous 1st look of #KanganaRanaut as Chandramukhi 👑💃 from #Chandramukhi2 🗝️
Releasing this GANESH CHATURTHI in Tamil, Hindi, Telugu, Malayalam & Kannada! 🤗
— Lyca Productions (@LycaProductions) August 5, 2023
On Friday, Lyca production took to its Instagram handle and teases the audience with a video giving a glimpse of Kangana Ranaut. The video showcases clips of her look from her various film including Sonali from Fashion, Rani from Queen, Tanu from Tanu Weds Manu, Mandita from Raaz 3, and end with a tease of an eye look from her latest character as Chandramukhi from Chandramukhi 2.
Kangana with her wide eyes as Chandramukhi and the spooky music of ghungroo playing in the background gives a perfect build-up for the film. Makers finally unveiled her look today at 11 am. In the poster, Kangana is seen wearing a green color saree with golden embroidery. She poses inside a palace, looking away from the camera. She was all decked up with gold jewelry and was looking extremely beautiful. The poster was shared by makers praising the beauty and the pose that effortlessly steals their attention, while presenting the enviable and gorgeous first look of Chandramukhi showing the picture of Kangana Ranaut from Chandramukhi 2 releasing this Ganesh Chaturthi.
Directed by P Vasu , Chadramukhi 2 is the sequel of blockbuster horror comedy Chnadramukhi featuring Rajnikanth and Jyothika in the key roles. In Chandramukhi 2 Kangana will play the role of dancer Chnadramukhi , who is known for her beauty and dance skills . The film will be released in September in five languages including Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Mallayalam.