New Delhi: The super popular movie of Ranveer Kapoor and Deepika Padukone “Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani” has completed 10 years of successful release in the industry. Recently, Dharma Productions shared a post on Instagram celebrating a decade of the movie by captioning its famous dialogue “Jitna bhi try karo doston… it’s difficult to believe that Kabir and Naina’s friendship has ended 10 years.
The 2013 released film was produced by Karan Johar, which became a huge sensation among the younger generation. It also featured Aditya Roy Kapur and Kalki Koechlin playing pivotal roles in the movie.
Fans swamped the comments section with red heart emojis as soon as the production company uploaded the post. A fan wrote, “All time favorite movie of every youth.” One more admirer remarked, “My favorite movie and one of the best films as a young teenager.”
Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani depicted a classic friendship turning into dreamy love. Everything in the movie, from the characters to the far-flung settings to the speech, left fans sentimental and overwhelmed. It showcased a marvelous film premise with friends, relationships, family, and marriage. It also included beautiful scenic beauties and fantastically crafted lines.
At the upfront, Ranbir kapoor will be next screened in Sandeep Reddy Vanga’s directed “Animal”. The movie will also feature Anil Kapoor and Bobby Deol. On the other hand, Deepika Padukone will be seen in her upcoming pan-India project with Prabhas. She will also be seen in an action thriller with Hrithik Roshan.