New Delhi: Sara Ali Khan’s forthcoming film Gaslight has released a trailer. Vikrant Massey, Chitrangda Singh, Akshay Oberoi, and Rahul Dev also play important roles in the movie. Sara shared the trailer on her Instagram account on Tuesday, writing, “Shaq ka ghera hai badhta jaa raha… Kaun, aakhir khooni hai? “Watch the trailer right now!”
Sara Ali Khan will play a physically disabled girl, according to the clip. Sara returns home after a long absence only to discover that her father has gone missing. Chitrangada Singh then appears as Sara’s stepmother, who attempts to conceal her father’s murder. In addition, the clip suggests that Vikrant Massey would play Sara’s father’s personal assistant. Sara is troubled by her father’s spirit, who attempts to disclose the truth while her father stays missing.
Sara Ali Khan revealed that her character in Gaslight was a difficult one to play. “It was difficult to get into this part, both intellectually and physically, because she’s a highly rich and sophisticated character. “I believe that this movie will be a thrilling experience for the viewers, with each sequence keeping them on the edge of their seat,” she said in a statement, as per the reports.
“The movie is a murder mystery with the unraveling of each character’s truths, which makes it more compelling,” Vikrant Massey remarked. Kapil is a multifaceted character. The audience will appreciate the film from start to finish. “I am thrilled to be working with Disney+ Hotstar on this film, and I hope people appreciate it.”
Ramesh Taurani, Tips Films Ltd., and Akshai Puri are the producers of Gaslight. On March 31, the movie will be available on Disney+ Hotstar.