New Delhi: 12th fail continues to steal the hearts of the audience at the box office and the OTT platforms. The film is inspired by a real life story of an IPS officer Manoj Kumar sharma and based on a novel written by Anurag Pathak. The story is about the student who didn’t clear his class 12th exam but clears the UPSC exam with his gut and dedication. The film revolves around the life of Manoj Kumar Sharma and Shraddha Joshi.
Vidhu Vinod Chopra meets Real life IPS Officer Manoj Sharma
12th fail director Vidhu Vinod Chopra has posted a video in which he can be seen with the real IPS Officer Manoj Sharma hugging him as Manoj breaks down in tears. The director shares that the two met the director during a script -reading session before the shoot of the film started.
Vidhu Vinod Chopra writes, “I remember this moment, it was such a moment of relief for me. Looking at this, you realise how beautiful a journey it has been. I am genuinely speechless after watching this.”
About the film 12th Fail
The film stars Vikrant Massey, Medha Joshi and Anant Joshi in pivotal roles. The film was released on 27th October and is currently streaming in the OTT platforms. The movie was made on a budget of 20 crores and is breaking all the records at the box office.
Real life Manoj Sharma and Shraddha Joshi were also seen in the film
The real life characters Manoj Kumar Sharma and Shraddha Joshi were also seen in the film. A Social Media user shared the post confirming whether these were the real Manoj Kumar Sharma and Shraddha Joshi, then the main actor Vikrant Massey was quick to react, check out what he wrote.
did anyone notice in the background
real Manoj and shradha in this scene
What a detailing 🙌🏻🙌🏻#12thFail— Anurag kumar (@anukaal) January 1, 2024
12th fail continues to rule the Box Office
The film continues to rule at the box officer and has been getting lots of praises from the audience.
#12thFail IS A MASTERPIECE 🤌♥️
— Chandler_BINGG. (@Varuntej69) January 1, 2024
Its amazing how some movies touch your soul & ” 12th Fail ” is surely one of them ❤️ .
— THE | Epic Blogger | (@Kush_official_) December 31, 2023