New Delhi: Alia Bhatt tied the knot with Ranbir Kapoor on April 14 in a private wedding ceremony on April 14 at the latter’s Bandra apartment, Vastu. Meanwhile, Ranbir’s mother, Neetu Kapoor was ecstatic about the wedding and is absolutely in love with her bahu, Alia. When asked about Alia, Neetu’s sweet reply is winning hearts.
Neetu Kapoor says Bahu, Alia ‘Badiya Hai’
Ranbir and Alia got married in the presence of their family, relatives, and close friends. Neetu seemed so happy and excited about the ceremony from the very beginning. Earlier, it was evident that Neetu is close with her bahu. This time, she proved it again.
Recently, she was asked about Alia on the sets of Dance Deewane Juniors, to which she replied, “bahut badiya” and she made a cute gesture with open arms.
Check the video here:
Neetu on Ranbir’s wedding: Rishi Kapoor’s wish has been fulfilled
A few days after the wedding, Neetu posted a happy picture with her son Ranbir. In the caption, she stated how her husband, Rishi Kapoor’s wish has been fulfilled. The caption read, “this is dedicated to kapoor Saab your wish has been fulfilled (sic).”
In another post, introducing the newlyweds, Alia and Ranbir, Neetu wrote Chote kapoor saab and my bahurani (sic).”
Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt after dating for almost five years tied the knot on April 14 in an intimate ceremony. The wedding was attended by Mahesh Bhatt, Soni Razdan, Neetu Kapoor, Riddhima Kapoor Sahni, Armaan Jain, Aadar Jain, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Saif Ali Khan, Karisma Kapoor, Pooja Bhatt, Rahul Bhatt, Shaheen Bhatt, Karan Johar, Ayan Mukerji, and Randhir Kapoor, among others.
Meanwhile, Alia and Ranbir will be sharing a screen for the first time in Brahmastra which is scheduled to release on September 9.