New Delhi: In a cinematic feat that has held audiences captive for over seven weeks, the action-packed thriller “Pathaan,” starring Shah Rukh Khan, Deepika Padukone, and John Abraham, is set to take a new leap. Reports have confirmed that this cinematic juggernaut will soon grace the screens of streaming giant Prime Video on March 22, 2023. This digital premiere arrives 56 days after the film’s successful theatrical release, promising fans an exciting viewing experience. Furthermore, director Siddharth Anand has tantalizingly hinted that previously unreleased scenes from “Pathaan” may also feature in the OTT version.
“Pathaan,” which burst onto the silver screen on January 25th, 2023, is a creation of Siddharth Anand and a production of the renowned Yash Raj Films. Since its theatrical debut, “Pathaan” has captivated audiences worldwide and etched its name into the annals of cinematic history with record-breaking box office earnings both domestically and internationally.
During an interview for Galatta Plus, Director Siddharth Anand shared a unique insight into the film’s narrative. He disclosed that Shah Rukh Khan’s character, Pathaan, deliberately lacks any religious affiliation in the storyline. This decision, Anand revealed, was borne from a shared belief system among the film’s creators – himself, Aditya Chopra, and writers Shridhar Raghavan and Abbas Tyrewala. Anand expressed their collective commitment to cinematic storytelling that transcends boundaries and stereotypes. He teased that a scene touching on this concept, which didn’t make the theatrical release, might make its debut in the OTT version. The director emphasized that this artistic choice was in no way considered “cheesy” and was a vital aspect of the film’s thematic depth.
“Pathaan” has recently achieved a remarkable milestone by securing 800 screens nationwide for its 50th day at the box office. This unprecedented feat has solidified its position as the only Hindi-origin film to maintain such a widespread theatrical presence in its eighth week, a testament to the film’s enduring appeal.
In terms of box office performance, “Pathaan” has enjoyed unprecedented success. On its 50th day in theaters on March 15th, the film had grossed an impressive $48.48 million (approximately Rs. 397 crores) internationally, edging closer to the coveted Rs. 400 crore mark overseas. Furthermore, on March 3, the film reached an astounding milestone, becoming the highest-grossing Hindi film in the history of cinema (original language). Its total collection, which includes earnings from both India and overseas, surpassed an astonishing Rs. 1026 crore gross.
Besides the stellar trio of Shah Rukh Khan, Deepika Padukone, and John Abraham, “Pathaan” also features Dimple Kapadia and Ashutosh Rana in pivotal roles.