New Delhi: As Bollywood actor Alia Bhatt ringed in her 27th birthday on Sunday, she recieved an adorable wish from her mother Soni Razdan. She shared unseen childhood photos of Alia and wrote a heartfelt note for her daughter.
The 63-year-old actor took to Instagram and penned a heartfelt message for the ‘Highway’ actor and wrote, “Happy Birthday my baby girl! To me, this is how you will always feel. A sweet little baby that I need to look after and make sure your life is going as per plan. Of course these days I am not required to look after you much and that’s as it should be. But once a mother as they say …. all I wish for you is to stay safe and healthy particularly in these days of health anxiety. So this year my birthday wish is all tied up with good health! Have a wonderful day today and a healthy safe and at the same time productive year to come.”
She continued to wish to her darling daughter, “Wish you all happiness my darling, you work so hard doing what you do. This year I hope you have a super successful year and also have a little more time for yourself. To breathe, to relax and to just do nothing once in a while. So cheers to that! Lots of love always and always … Mama.”
In the adorable post shared by Razdan, Alia is seen as a toddler sitting on a cot, as her mom is seen standing beside the actor while they both smile for the camera. In the second picture, toddler Alia is seen being carried by her beloved mom.
Alia was last seen in ‘Kalank’ with an ensemble cast starring Varun Dhawan, Madhuri Dixit, Sanjay Dutt, Aditya Roy Kapoor, Sonakshi Sinha and Kiara Advani among others. The actor has got a number of projects in the pipeline including ‘Gangubai Kathiawadi,” Brahmastra,’ and ‘Takht’. (ANI)