New Delhi: Vivek Agnihotri’s directorial The Kashmir Files has reached an astonishing success in just two days despite releasing only on 630 screens. The movie touted as ‘sensational,’ has registered 134.44% growth totaling Rs 12.05 crore in just two days. This is considered to be the highest growth in the Bollywood industry in just two days since 2020.
Moreover, The Kashmir Files has earned over Rs 3.55 crores on its opening day, which is itself a record as the film has been made on a small budget and does not have mainstream Bollywood stars either. The movie narrates the story of the exodus of Kashmiri Pandits from the Valley. The movie has outdone expectations and attracted a huge number of audiences who are spreading positive words.
Trade analyst Tara Adarsh took to Twitter to share about the box office success of The Kashmir Files. Here’s what he tweeted:
#TheKashmirFiles is SENSATIONAL, biz more than doubles on Day 2… Registers 139.44% growth, HIGHEST EVER GROWTH [Day 2] *since 2020*… East, West, North, South, #BO is on ???… This film is UNSTOPPABLE… Fri 3.55 cr, Sat 8.50 cr. Total: ₹ 12.05 cr. #India biz… FANTASTIC!
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) March 13, 2022
Pallavi Joshi, who is both the producer as well as plays an important part in the film, says that The Kashmir Files wasn’t a cakewalk. Talking to News 18, the actor-producer stated, “The shooting was the smallest part of our entire journey. The whole research, reaching out to people, getting money for the film, getting actors on board, everything was a massive challenge.”
She even revealed that a Fatwah was issued against her and her husband Vivek Agnihotri on the last day of the shoot in Kashmir. She stated, “The filming was the easiest part and probably the smallest part of it. In the four years that we dedicated to this film, shooting took only a month. The only thing that happened was when we were shooting in Kashmir, we received a Fatwah issued on our names. When that happened, we were fortunately on our last scene. I told Vivek, ‘Let’s finish this scene quickly and head to the airport.’ We were anyway leaving, but I told him, ‘Let’s not say anything and finish the shoot right now.’ Because we wouldn’t get another chance to come back. So we finished that scene and I sent a few people to the hotel and said, ‘You guys start packing and put everything in the bag and get it to the sets and we’ll leave from there.’ That was the only challenge we faced while shooting.”
The movie stars Anupam Kher, Darshan Kumar, and Mithun Chakraborty as the leads. Besides, Pallavi Joshi, Chinmay Mandlekar, Prakash Belawadi, Puneet Issar, and Mrinal Kulkarni among others play an important part in the film.