New Delhi: Celeb couple Virat and Anushka, along with their daughter Vamika, were spotted in an ashram in Vrindavan. They were seen praying at the ashram while Anushka was gifted a veil and Kohli received a garland. Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj also blessed their daughter as the Kohli family sat at the ashram.
Videos of their visit have surfaced on the internet, in which Vamika can be seen sitting in actor Anushka Sharma’s lap. Their little one was seen wearing a white dress while Anushka adored a black jacket with a white cap and a scarf. Virat Kohli wore an olive green jacket paired with a black cap.
Reportedly, the couple arrived in Vrindavan on the morning of January 4 and also distributed blankets. Virat and Anushka also meditated for an hour at the ashram.
Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma distributing blankets at Vrindavan.❤️
— Akshat (@AkshatOM10) January 5, 2023
The couple seems to be strong believers in Baba Neem Karoli as last year in November, the family visited the ashram in Uttrakhand. They also distributed blankets back then. As per the reports by ANI, Anushka and Virat visited the Kanchi Dham as well.
Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma reached Vrindavan Ashram. They even meditated there ?
Radhe – Radhe
— Akshat (@AkshatOM10) January 4, 2023
On the work front, Anushka will next be seen in Jhulan Goswami’s biopic ‘Chakda Xpress’ as she recently wrapped up the shoot for the same. Directed by Prosit Roy, the film is among Netflix’s plans for 2023. On the other hand, Virat was last seen playing the Test series in Bangladesh and is gearing up for the three-ODIs home series against Sri Lanka. The couple was also spotted celebrating the New Year in Dubai.