New Delhi: A road rage incident was caught on camera in Bengaluru, where three to four bike-born assailants were seen vandalizing the windshield of car and also assaulting the car driver on the city streeets. Three of four miscreants have been nabbed by the cops after the video landed on social media & generated widespread anger.
The incident took place in Gunjur, Varthur in Whitefield division of Bengaluru on Thursday noon. The marauding men were seated on different bikes and travelling on road when a car owner honked behind them and tried to overtake them. They chased the car owner and attacked him and damaged his car.
In the video, the car owner can be seen taking reverse gear to avoid confrontation but the bike-borne assailants chased him down and smashed the windscreen of car. They also abused the car owner and then went on a rampage, vandalizing his car in full broad daylight.
Their whole act was caught on dashboard camera of the car and also in CCTV camera of a building.
Caught on cam: Car damaged in road rage incident in #Bengaluru
— The Times Of India (@timesofindia) July 14, 2023
The bikers could be seen driving on the Guntur road in zig-zag fashion and when the car owner honked to overtake them, they in a fit of rage abused him & physically attacked him.
One of the bikers also rammed his bike in the car. Sensing trouble, the car owner apologized and tried to leave the spot. But the bikers stalked him and blocked his way near a residential apartment. It was there he smashed the windshield of the car while assaulting him as well.
As the video took the internet by storm, the Varthur police took to social media to say that ruffians indulging in hooliganism won’t be spared and will soon be captured.
An FIR has been registered in Varthur PS on the complaint of the victim.
Investigation is underway. There will be no room for such unruly behaviour or hooliganism under our watch, and will be met with severe consequences.
— ಬೆಂಗಳೂರು ನಗರ ಪೊಲೀಸ್ BengaluruCityPolice (@BlrCityPolice) July 13, 2023